Upcoming Dates

Closed: Proposals for symposia, workshops, and field trips

Closed: Proposals close

Early February 2024: Registration opens

March 18, 2024: Final day for contributed paper submissions (11:59 PM PT)

Abstract Presentation Guidelines

To increase access to presentation spots, each person may only submit one abstract for which they are lead presenter. Presentation spots will be filled both in the order they were submitted (so submit early to guarantee a spot!) and as necessary to fill sessions on different themes. Because oral presentation spots tend to be most limiting, when submitting your abstracts you may indicate whether you are willing to present a poster if oral presentations fill up.

Contributed/symposium talks: talks are 12 minutes* with 3 additional minutes for questions. Contributed talks are appropriate for people who have generated results, not for people presenting a planned study. *Some symposia include 30 min talks.

Blitz talks: talks are 3 minutes with 2 additional minutes for questions. Blitz talks are a chance to try your hand at clear, concise, punchy, big picture communication and will be scattered throughout the contributed talks.

Posters: Poster dimension must be no more than 3 ½ feet high x 3 ½ feet wide (1.1 m x 1.1m). Please keep your text to a minimum and the font size large. The presenter of a poster should remain at their poster for the duration of their session.

Student Presentation Awards 

To apply for your presentation to be judged, simply fill in the appropriate information when submitting your abstract. Oral presentations (including blitzes) will only be considered for an award if they present a complete story, i.e., no presentations of planned research or data projects without results. Projects that are in progress and may not yet present a complete story may be presented as a poster, however, they must include an ‘anticipated results’ section given that judging may be based upon presentation of results. Abstracts will be chosen for in-person judging by lottery—we will contact you to let you know if your presentation will be included for judging or not.

Although judging criteria will be formalized once the judging committee is assembled, usually judging is based upon criteria such as the clarity of the presentation (both visually and how the logic behind the project is organized), rigor of the science, presentation style, and ability to answer questions. Check back here closer to the meeting for updates on judging criteria.


Please contact the CSEE 2024 Conference Secretariat by email.