The conference field tour will provide an overview of the tree breeding, seed production and nursery operations in British Columbia with three exciting and informative stops. We will cover topics from tree breeding and pest resistance research, seed orchard operations and management, seedling production and policy associated with reforestation and seed transfer.

The Kalamalka Forestry Centre was established in 1976 as the provincial tree improvement hub for the Interior of British Columbia. Mild, dry winters and hot, dry summers characterize the Vernon area, stimulating conifer reproduction, which is essential for both seed production and tree-improvement research. The site is 73 hectares and is divided between seed orchards (32 hectares) and research (41 hectares). On the research side, the site accommodates offices, laboratories, greenhouses and breeding arboreta for the Douglas-fir, western larch, Interior spruce, ponderosa pine and western redcedar breeding programs, as well as genecology and pest resistance research trials.

The Bailey Seed Orchard is located along HWY 97 south of Vernon, British Columbia, on an east-facing slope overlooking Kalamalka Lake. It was established in 1995 to expand provincial seed production operations in the Okanagan Valley. Warm, dry summers stimulate reliable reproduction for the orchards located on the site: Douglas-fir, ponderosa pine, western white pine, lodgepole pine and paper birch.

PRT’s focus on container grown seedlings and continuous innovation as made them one of the largest container grown forestry seedling nurseries in North America. They grow a diverse range of species and stock types for spring, summer and fall planting.